Interior Decorator
by Travis Stephens
Art: Beth Horton - “Haute Couture”
i am going to paint
re-paint the walls
of this cell, this bountiful
shadow palace where
morning sun comes too early
too often
my couch has three legs
the pile of books is sorted
by toss, disgust &
at the paint store
i struggle
to find the appropriate tint--
Eggshell Depression,
Poor Decision with a dollop
of Ennui.
the guy minding the counter
no longer talks to me.
lucky for me
there is a shelf of cans
of mis-tints & mistakes
in the back.
sort of green, that one.
sort of mulberry smear.
on sale, too.
Travis Stephens is a tugboat captain who resides with his family in California. Recent credits include: Gyroscope Review, 2River, Sheila-Na-Gig, Tiny Seed Literary Journal, Raven’s Perch, Crosswinds Poetry Journal, Gravitas and The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature.