Man Running for Bus in Harvard Square
by Paul Hostovsky
Art: GJ Gillespie - “Lion Hearted Man 2”
This is a poem about seeing it both ways,
about an idealist running for a bus and a realist
driving that bus and seeing a hopeful man
running and waving high and meaningfully
with his briefcase flopping against his thigh
and his excellent tie flapping in his face
as he sprints toward the slowly departing bus.
The bus which is departing. Which is to say
moving away from the curb. So you see, it isn’t
stopped. If it were stopped it would be another
story. Another poem altogether. But this poem
is about a man who believes in communication
while running and waving his hand at a moving bus
and another man who believes this man has missed
this bus and is driving this bus and sees a man
trying to stop a bus with the wave of his hand
and a briefcase full of papers, briefs or notes
for a class at Harvard perhaps. And he chooses
not to stop the bus but rather to drive right past
this idealist from Harvard who has missed the bus
and thinks he can reverse it or revise it with his hand,
as though it were words, as though it weren’t
what actually happens. But he can’t. No, not this.
Paul Hostovsky’s poems have won a Pushcart Prize, two Best of the Net Awards, the FutureCycle Poetry Book Prize, and have been featured on Poetry Daily, Verse Daily, The Writer’s Almanac, and the Best American Poetry blog. Find more at www.paulhostovsky.com