by Jake Tringali
Art: “Becoming Human” by Ronald Walker
on crudos and kobe skewers and
charred octopus and foie and
native heirloom corn foam
in vivid culinary hues
on this, clean beauties paw and jaw
aloud near patio servers
scurrying between tables
under halogen street lights
“Heard you that shriek?” —
one piercing scream in the megalopolis
echoing through dingy tunnels,
off dive bars and soaring over cathedrals
and finally out into the distance, into the quiet
and the beauties sit there between
courses, choosing themselves
and that silence is swallowed whole
by ignorant arrogant chitter-chatter
under towering buildings held
with the power of imagination
yellow street lights lights flicker
there is one less survivor tonight
Published in over 50 journals, and his poetry has appeared in various art installations. His first poetry book is Poetry for the Neon Apocalypse, which was nominated for an Elgin award. Host of The Outskirts Poetry Podcast.