and the lights dim, the fury
closes in–
hoofbeats thunder through
barren arenas and can’t
you hear the
madness? this stage, this
game, these carousel minds and
carousel hearts.
and the harlequin paints on her
heartless grin, the
cymbals crash in time with
lonely wind, the
vicious thrash of canvas swallows
you up in the suffocating
folds. and can’t you hear the
madness? the world howls
in time with the crack of your
crocodile teeth, the fracturing
of heat-thick air, the
sweat dripping down your
brow. and the lights flare,
the fury stands tall, it dares to
tell you it loves you just the same.
and the harlequin dances,
weaving around a ghostly partner,
holding imaginary hands and
creating a body from the
empty space she brushes with
the back of her hand,
creating shape from silence,
from the nothingness she eyes with
longing or love.
and the best lies make
the worst stories and
the worst days make the
best trains of thought,
and the harlequin dances,
the lights fade,
and I ask you, lover:
will you dance with me?
Kaymin Hester is a poet currently attending the University of Virginia. Her poetry has been published in Zines + Things' "Impropriety" issue, she won first place in the 2021 Writer's Eye Contest for her poem "Displacement", and three of her articles can be read in Deep South Magazine. She was a panelist for the Newfound 2021 Prose Prize and an intern at Deep South. She completed the Poetry of Power Workshop and is now a New City Arts Fellow. Her work is forthcoming in Cool Beans Lit.