
by Gavin Kayner

In Leo Rich Theater

Row C

Seat three

Her grey head

Jerks back

And she grunts spastically


A cruel mirror

Of the actor

Center stage

Pantomiming death


A blatant upstaging

Of illusion


But in theater

Illusion is served before reality

And she remains unacknowledged

Head lolling

Legs splayed

A crude bit of flatulence

That must be borne stoically


Consideration of


still life


Until applause beating down like rain

Brings in the gurney

And the awkward business of lifting the woman

From chair to its slick surface –

None of the players having rehearsed with her –

Confuses the audience

An amateur appropriating the curtain call

She exits left

Amidst whispered asides

And critical reviews


Her performance leaving little

To be desired.