Shadows fade in and out of my windowsill.
Hearts stop and start as lights flicker.
I have the universe to feed you.
Eat the thoughts from my stony skull.
I beg you, consume me.
Rest your fingers on my door casings.
You scurry past.
I can only remind you of being a child.
Of the sound your blood makes
as it sloshes through your smooth veins.
I should have kept you here forever.
Folded you into my walls, swallowed you into my shelves.
I could have given you everything.
I could have stored your every torment.
Flakes of dust now gather,
like swarming flies on my corpse.
Tonight is just the same.
The light eternally lit.
Yet, I will feast alone,
as you go hungry.
Maggi Mazza is an avid writer and recent graduate from UNC-Chapel Hill. She is an aspiring poet and novelist who is also pursuing a career in the medical feild. She has been writing her whole life and hopes to continue for the rest of it. She is from Canton, North Carolina, 22 years old, and an aquarius (sun and moon).