POETRY Art: “Covid Color 6” by Cynthia Yatchman Retrospective by Michael Colonnese Slithering Serpent by Lindsay Rose-Dunbar Nemesis by Kaymin Hester Bite the Cigar by Maya Jacyszyn A sound in an empty apartment by D.S. Maolalai Whiskey-Soaked Mutters by Chris Mardiroussian Okay, the first time I saw a real snake by Chelsie Nunn Morphine by Eugene O’Hare Signal to noise by kate polak Megalopolis by Jake Tringali Awakening the Grim by Thamasha Ukwatta Along Came the Rattler in Southwest Eden by Marla Vivoda Even Men Who Balance Scales by Abigail Redlich the sweet science by Steven O. Young, Jr.